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  • 2023 classes
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September 10, 2023
Classes starting October 2023 from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

I am NOT a medical expert, but someone commented on the blog about my knee issue. They suggested that the meniscus was FOLDED rather than compressed (as was my description). The traction separated the joint enough for it to unfold, which was a super easy fix for a very painful situation. WOW -- that makes total sense. Let's say that I will keep that fix in mind for the future. 

Can you see me on a future hike, trying to engage someone in pulling HARD on my leg to open up the knee joint? Yep -- I can just see that ...

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December 3, 2022
Good news/bad news! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

Thanks, everyone, for the comments. I will get them answered; I'm a tad busy at the moment. I didn't even get a chance to open my Adventure advent calendar yesterday. 

However, I'm happy to report that I finished everything I had planned, which was good!

I sent Zoom links to everyone who wanted to sign up for the EQ8, mySewnet embroidery software and digital cutter discussions for TOMORROW. If you have yet to receive an e-mail, let me know. Some people put everything in the same e-mail, and it's hard to catch everything. I'm NOT ...

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November 23, 2022
Squeak, squeak, gone! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!

 I feel like I'm behind, and I've only got up! Actually, everything is on time! I want to do so much, but I can't quite yet. 

The writing is almost at an end. The last assignment was a struggle because I was doing something new or something I don't often do, and I didn't want to do either. My brain hurts! So much learning to do and then communicate in words. I just want it done so I can get downstairs and tidy up! After the writing is done, I might take the rest of ...

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November 17, 2022
Classes and Clubs for 2023 from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


I had better get some information to you as so many have asked, and there just doesn't seem to be the right day to make it happen!

I will NOT be personally hosting any new projects in 2023. There will be a new one starting at Thimbles and Things in January, so watch their newsletter for that. We all have so many projects on our plates that we don't need another brand-new one! 

However, I have several clubs and groups that I'll be hosting. These are primarily about learning tools or software we have purchased, which has ...

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  • 2023 classes
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